Photography has been a long time passion of mine and I feel very lucky to be able to do this for a living. Over the last decade some career highlights of mine include, 8 weeks shooting around the country for the U.S Army, documenting Tycho in the studio recording their album "Epoch" and having my work featured in Luerzer Archives "200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide".

When I'm not shooting you can find me spending time with my wife, our three daughters and our german wirehair pointer. We like to spend most of our time at home cooking up vegan food, camping around the U.S, drinking good coffee, snowboarding, geeking out to music, skateboarding around the hood, and early morning surf sessions while visiting our favorite place, Coronado, CA 

Check out my blog for more work!

I also shoot along side my wife. You can see our work here: